Michael Magro Foundation Assisted Many Families with a Child Battling Cancer in 2016
Dear Friends,
Another year is almost over and, as we look back on 2016, we are amazed at how warm and wonderful our Long Island community has been to Michael Magro Foundation. During this past year Michael Magro Foundation has been able to assist many families with a child battling cancer. We have achieved a great deal and we want to share it with you.
Because of you, we have:
- Paid thousands of dollars for utility bills and other non-medical bills that struggling families could not afford;
- Gave out hundreds of gift cards to families for groceries, gasoline, household needs, birthday gifts and other needed items;
- Underwrote more than 80 evenings out for families who desperately needed to have an evening of fun together;
- Provided support services for 24 children as they transitioned back to school following long illnesses;
- Brought NICU babies and siblings from 10 families together through a ‘face-time’-like program.
10,000 children are diagnosed with cancer each year in the United States – hundreds here on Long Island. These are our neighbors and they need our help. You can support these families by making a tax-deductible gift today to Michael Magro Foundation.
- Your gift of $1,000 will provide all of the needed services to one student, his/her classmates and teacher as the child transitions back to school;
- Your gift of $500 will pay for the utility bills for a struggling family for an entire month;
- Your gift of $250 will send one family out to dinner and entertainment (movie and popcorn) for a much needed evening out;
- Your gift of $100 will provide a gift card to Target or Toy R Us for a family to purchase holiday gifts for their children;
- Your gift of $50 will provide a gift card for gas, groceries or a small something special for siblings watching a sick brother or sister.
No matter how big or small, your gift will make a difference and is appreciated. Click here to make a tax-deduction donation today. Your support will help Michael Magro Foundation to make a difference for families all over Long Island who need us now.
From our family to yours, we wish you a happy and healthy new year.
With our deepest gratitude,
Paul and Terrie Magro